Troubleshooting Tips for Bitwarden not auto-filling in Chrome

Check that auto-fill is enabled for the site you're trying to use. In Bitwarden, go to Settings > Options and make sure Enable auto-fill on page load

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Bitwarden not auto-filling Chrome

Here are some troubleshooting tips for Bitwarden not auto-filling in Chrome:

  1. Make sure the Bitwarden extension is installed and enabled in Chrome. Click the puzzle icon in the top right corner of Chrome, and make sure the Bitwarden extension is listed and toggled on.

  2. Check that you're logged into your Bitwarden vault in the extension. Click the Bitwarden icon in Chrome and make sure you see your email address and vault name at the top.

  3. Try re-logging into your Bitwarden vault in the extension. Sometimes refreshing the login helps sync things up.

  4. Make sure the Bitwarden accessibility service is enabled in Chrome. Go to Chrome settings > Advanced > Accessibility and make sure "Bitwarden Accessibility Service" is turned on.

  5. Check that auto-fill is enabled for the site you're trying to use. In Bitwarden, go to Settings > Options and make sure "Enable auto-fill on page load" is checked.

  6. Try manually triggering auto-fill by clicking the Bitwarden extension icon, right-clicking the login you want, and selecting Auto-Fill. See if that works as a workaround.

  7. Refresh the Chrome page you're trying to auto-fill. Sometimes the auto-fill just doesn't kick in until you refresh.

  8. Try restarting both Chrome and your computer if none of the above help. That can reset things and get auto-fill working again in some cases.

  9. As a last resort, try uninstalling and reinstalling the Bitwarden Chrome extension to do a full reset.

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Let me know if any of those suggestions help resolve your Bitwarden auto-fill issues in Chrome!

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